Subastas Darley

White gold and diamonds ring

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White gold and diamonds ring

Lot. 38001867/420
Start the . 28 Dic 2024 17:20 PM
Finish. 26 Dic 2025 17:13 PM
Substraction. 275 days - 9 h. - 54 m. - 8 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Model with a wide frontispiece with five rails covered with a total of 64 brilliant-cut diamonds, total weight 0.52 ct.

Inner ring diameter: 16.25 mm

White gold and diamonds ringWhite gold and diamonds ring - 1White gold and diamonds ring - 2White gold and diamonds ring - 3White gold and diamonds ring - 4
White gold and diamonds ringWhite gold and diamonds ring - 1White gold and diamonds ring - 2White gold and diamonds ring - 3White gold and diamonds ring - 4
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