Subastas Darley

Yellow jade seal “Double mythical beast” Western Zhou dynasty

Home > Direct Sale > Asian Seal > Yellow jade seal “Double mythical beast” Western Zhou dynasty

Yellow jade seal “Double mythical beast” Western Zhou dynasty

Lot. 28020816/274
Start the . 03 Jul 2024 18:26 PM
Finish. 30 Dic 2025 02:30 AM
Substraction. 301 days - 6 h. - 11 m. - 43 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Carved yellow jade seal, with brown and reddish spots. It has a rectangular base adorned on the edges by a decorative border of geometric motifs. On it, there are two heads joined in the center, of a great mythical beast that looks to the front, with large eyes and horns attached to the body, resting on its two front legs. The details are incised with great virtuosity. A two-character stamp is shown on the base. 

Size: 3.4 x 3.6 x 6 cm

Weight: 131 g


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Yellow jade seal “Double mythical beast” Western Zhou dynastyYellow jade seal “Double mythical beast” Western Zhou dynasty - 1Yellow jade seal “Double mythical beast” Western Zhou dynasty - 2Yellow jade seal “Double mythical beast” Western Zhou dynasty - 3Yellow jade seal “Double mythical beast” Western Zhou dynasty - 4Yellow jade seal “Double mythical beast” Western Zhou dynasty - 5Yellow jade seal “Double mythical beast” Western Zhou dynasty - 6
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