Subastas Darley

2025 年 3 月 26 日,春季特別拍賣會 - 第一場:亞洲藝術

Bronze Buddha ‘Vishvamata’, Nepal, 19th century

编号 132.
保证金. -
起拍价. 600 €

Bronze figure with relief and incised decoration. The deity is shown seated on an elliptical throne with openwork lotus petals. His legs are bent in vajrasana and his torso is straight, slightly tilted to the right. The arms rest on the legs, forming ‘Akash mudra’ with the left hand and ‘Dhyana mudra’ with the right hand, with the outstretched palm facing the sky. The expression is serene, with a light nose and softly closed eyes and mouth. The hair is gathered in a high bun by a tall wreath of petals, while the body is adorned with beautiful jewellery and fine drapery. Shows age wear. 19th c. or later. 19th c. or later. 

Size: 30.5 x 18.7 x 23 cm (approx.)

Weight: 2960 g

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