Subastas Darley

2025 年 3 月 27 日,春季特別拍賣會 - 第三場:西方藝術

Facsimile ‘Treaty of Tordesillas’, 1990

竞标由. -
编号 715.

Facsimile reproduction of the Treaty of Tordesillas, the original of which is in the Archivo de Indias, produced as a limited edition of 980 copies, this being the 611th of an edition produced by the Ministry of Culture for the fifth centenary of Testimonio Compañía editorial. With lead seal and ribbons. Accompanied by a study book edited by Juan Pérez de Tudela, and translations by Tomás Marín Martínez and José Manuel Ruiz Asensio. Tabulae Americae Collection. Testimonio Compañía Editorial, Madrid.

Size: 34 x 25 cm

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