Subastas Darley

2025 年 3 月 26 日,春季特別拍賣會 - 第一場:亞洲藝術

Jadeite figure ‘He-He Er Xian’, Qing dynasty

编号 52.
保证金. -
起拍价. 450 €

Jadeite that combines the colours white and green with great skill in the carving of the figure. It shows two small figures, traditionally known as ‘He-He Er Xian’ or ‘Immortals of Harmony and Union’, crouching with their legs bent and their heads cocked to one side, allowing them to show a complicit gaze combined with a serene and kindly expression. Both beings, dressed in traditional clothes, are covered with large water lily leaves held by the figure on the left. It shows patina due to age. Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) or later.

Size: 5.8 x 3.5 x 8 cm

Weight: 175 g

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