Subastas Darley

2025 年 3 月 27 日,春季特別拍賣會 - 第三場:西方藝術

Junta Central Fallera "Libro Fallero", "Aniversari", 1989

竞标由. 50 €
编号 723.

Two Fallas-themed books published in 1989, ‘Aniversari Junta Central Fallera’ and ‘Libro Fallero 1989’.

These are two documentary books. A journey through the years with photographs, speeches and designs, which cover the period from the end of the 1930s to the year of publication, in 1989, for the 50th anniversary of the Junta Central Fallera. Published by the Junta Central Fallera and presented in a hard cardboard box.

One of the books shows wear on the glue due to age.

Size: 33,5 x 23 cm

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