Subastas Darley

2025 年 3 月 26 日,春季特別拍賣會 - 第一場:亞洲藝術

Pair of yellow jade "Rams" seals, Zhou dynasty

竞标由. 500 €
编号 257.

Two small seals of beautiful yellow jade with light reddish and golden veins. On a circular base decorated in profile with a border of lozenges, stands the figure of a ram, with a short, curved body, its back decorated with the same lozenge motif and its front legs arched. The head, with a flattened snout and crowned with large curled horns, faces forward, with its eyes open and mouth closed.  Zhou Dynasty (770-221 BCE)

Height: 3 cm; Diameter: 2.95 cm (approx.)

Total weight: 71.4 gr

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