Subastas Darley

2025 年 3 月 26 日,春季特別拍賣會 - 第一場:亞洲藝術

Shoushang ‘Dragon’ Seal, Qing dynasty

竞标由. 300 €
编号 1.

A carved, orange-coloured Shoushan stone. It has a quadrangular plan, with a slightly irregular profile, adorned with the image of a dragon in the upper area. The beast is arranged in the centre, its sinuous body curled up, its head upright and staring at a large flaming pearl, surrounded by swirling clouds. An incised poem lake is arranged on one side. Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) or later. 

Size: 3 x 5 x 5 cm

Weight: 166.8 g

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