Subastas Darley

2025 年 3 月 27 日,春季特別拍賣會 - 第三場:西方藝術

València, els seus gravadors i la gran aventura d'Ernest Furio, 1977

竞标由. -
编号 554.

Limited edition folder, numbered 101/300, edited and published by Vicente García Editores S.A. in 1977. It contains the book ‘València, els seus seus gravadors i la gran aventura d'Ernest Furio’ by Manuel Sanchís Guarner and 12 engraved plates on paper and signed by Furió.

File size: 65.50 x 49.50 cm; Size of plates: 65.50 x 49 cm; Size of plate: 37.20 x 27.70 cm; Size of book: 27 x 24.50 cm

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