Subastas Darley

2025 年 3 月 26 日,春季特別拍賣會 - 第一場:亞洲藝術

White jade "Bixie" figurine, Han dynasty

竞标由. 950 €
编号 274.

White jade figure, with a reddish-yellow spot on the forehead. Carved in the form of a mythical beast, ‘辟邪’ (bìxié) to ward off evil spirits, with a lion's body, wings, a half-open mouth with large teeth, a puckered expression, bulging eyes, a raised head, beard and fur on the face. All the elements are either in relief, openwork or engraved.

The form of the ‘lion’ or mythical beast in ancient Chinese myths and legends is derived from the transliteration of ancient Sanskrit. Images of these figures are depicted on ancient textiles, belt buckles, seals, bells or buttons to ward off evil spirits. In the southern dynasties, stone statues were often found in front of tombs for the same reason. Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) or later.

Size: 4.2 x 2.2 x 5.6 cm

Weight: 45 g

Provenance: Collection of Tommy Lam, Hong Kong, from 1980.

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