Subastas Darley

20th century Spanish school ‘San Vicente Ferrer’

首页 > 直接销售 > 二十世紀油画 > 20th century Spanish school ‘San Vicente Ferrer’

20th century Spanish school ‘San Vicente Ferrer’

编号. R28019334/725
Start the . 28 Dic 2024 20:26 PM
拍卖截止于. 26 Dic 2025 22:44 PM
Substraction. 270 days - 0 h. - 2 m. - 33 s.
Sale price

Oil on panel. No visible signature. Shows the saint in Dominican habit, index finger pointing to heaven and a scrolled phylactery stating ‘Timete Deum et date illi ...’

Size: 9 x 6 cm; Size with frame: 26.5 x 22.5 cm

20th century Spanish school ‘San Vicente Ferrer’20th century Spanish school ‘San Vicente Ferrer’ - 120th century Spanish school ‘San Vicente Ferrer’ - 220th century Spanish school ‘San Vicente Ferrer’ - 320th century Spanish school ‘San Vicente Ferrer’ - 4
20th century Spanish school ‘San Vicente Ferrer’20th century Spanish school ‘San Vicente Ferrer’ - 120th century Spanish school ‘San Vicente Ferrer’ - 220th century Spanish school ‘San Vicente Ferrer’ - 320th century Spanish school ‘San Vicente Ferrer’ - 4
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