Subastas Darley

Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) "Le vacher"

首页 > 直接销售 > 19世紀繪畫 > Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) "Le vacher"

Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) "Le vacher"

编号. 38000803/637
Start the . 04 Jul 2024 19:26 PM
拍卖截止于. 30 Dic 2025 04:53 AM
Substraction. 275 days - 17 h. - 38 m. - 20 s.
Sale price

Lithograph on paper. Copy no. 10 of 17 units made on stone. Signed "Coussens" in the lower left corner. Numbered in the lower right corner.

Size: Paper: 46 x 71.3 cm; Plate: 38 x 67 cm; Size with frame: 59.5 x 84.3 cm

Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935)
Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935) Armand Coussens (1881 - 1935)
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