Subastas Darley

Carved and polychrome wooden chanab, China, 20th century

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Carved and polychrome wooden chanab, China, 20th century

编号. R28011279
Start the . 27 Feb 2025 11:34 AM
拍卖截止于. 20 Mar 2025 12:33 PM
Substraction. 4 days - 21 h. - 6 m. - 29 s.
Sale price

Wooden chanab decorated with two birds and carved flowers. Polychromed in gold and red.

Size: 16 x 11 x 27 cm.

Carved and polychrome wooden chanab, China, 20th centuryCarved and polychrome wooden chanab, China, 20th century - 1Carved and polychrome wooden chanab, China, 20th century - 2
Carved and polychrome wooden chanab, China, 20th centuryCarved and polychrome wooden chanab, China, 20th century - 1Carved and polychrome wooden chanab, China, 20th century - 2
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