Subastas Darley

Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century

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Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century

编号. 38001787/312
Start the . 27 Dic 2024 19:09 PM
拍卖截止于. 26 Dic 2025 19:02 PM
Substraction. 286 days - 9 h. - 16 m. - 6 s.
Sale price

Jade carved in the shape of a vase, with a rectangular base, on which stands a flattened circular body, followed by a long neck, flanked by two curved handles carved in the shape of an elephant's head, from which hang movable rings. Crowning the piece is a trapezoidal lid, itself decorated with two small handles of the same morphology as the previous ones, and a small foo dog sitting on the top. The body is decorated with details in relief of vegetal and geometric motifs and a central scene of elongated branches of lotuses in flower. 

Size: 62.6 x 7.5 x 30.2 cm

Weight: 20.951 g

Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th centuryCarved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 1Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 2Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 3Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 4Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 5Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 6Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 7
Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th centuryCarved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 1Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 2Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 3Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 4Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 5Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 6Carved jade vase ‘Lotuses’, 20th century - 7
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