Subastas Darley

Chinese painting "Sage with lion", 20th century

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Chinese painting "Sage with lion", 20th century

编号. R28018921/71
Start the . 29 Feb 2024 13:40 PM
拍卖截止于. 31 Dic 2025 13:41 PM
Substraction. 274 days - 15 h. - 29 m. - 10 s.
Sale price

Pigments on paper, with canvas frame. The painting shows a lion in front of a wise man next to a tree. At the top there is an inscription, attached to the left margin, in ink and a stamp. In good condition with wear. 

Size: 123 x 62 cm; Size with frame: 191 x 78 cm

Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting
Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting
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