Subastas Darley

Enamel bowl "Butterfly and chrysanthemum", 20th century

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Enamel bowl "Butterfly and chrysanthemum", 20th century

编号. R28016142/79
Start the . 02 Mar 2024 00:00 AM
拍卖截止于. 31 Dic 2025 02:08 AM
Substraction. 290 days - 15 h. - 44 m. - 39 s.
Sale price

Metal bowl with enamel and wavy rim. In the center it represents two chrysanthemums and a butterfly. The background has forms of clouds. On the reverse side the same decoration is repeated.

Diameter: 20,6 cm; Height: 7 cm

Enamel bowl Enamel bowl Enamel bowl Enamel bowl Enamel bowl Enamel bowl Enamel bowl Enamel bowl
Enamel bowl Enamel bowl Enamel bowl Enamel bowl Enamel bowl Enamel bowl Enamel bowl Enamel bowl
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