Subastas Darley

Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) "Song with lute"

首页 > 直接销售 > 图画作品 > Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) "Song with lute"

Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) "Song with lute"

编号. 38000915/628
Start the . 04 Jul 2024 19:22 PM
拍卖截止于. 30 Dic 2025 04:49 AM
Substraction. 478 days - 1 h. - 33 m. - 5 s.
Sale price

Screen printing on paper. Signed "Climent" in the lower right corner. Indicated "Artist's proof" in the lower left corner.

Size: 61.5 x 44.5 cm; Size with frame: 66 x 49 cm

Verified by Pilar Climent, daughter of the artist. We are grateful for her help in cataloguing this work.


- Private collection of Enrique Roig, Valencia.

Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980)
Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980) Enrique Climent (1897 - 1980)
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