Subastas Darley

Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008) "Memoria Colectiva", 2005

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Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008) "Memoria Colectiva", 2005

编号. R28015944/413
Start the . 29 Feb 2024 17:28 PM
拍卖截止于. 31 Dic 2025 05:40 AM
Substraction. 296 days - 14 h. - 4 m. - 59 s.
Sale price

Mixed media on iron and wood. On the back it indicates the title "Memoria Colectiva" (Collective Memory), size, technique, author's name, date and location.

Size: 60,5 x 60,5 cm

Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008) Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008) Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008) Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008) Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008) Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008)
Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008) Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008) Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008) Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008) Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008) Gema Noguera (1965 - 2008)
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