Subastas Darley

Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century

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Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century

编号. 28021404/325
Start the . 29 Oct 2024 19:31 PM
拍卖截止于. 27 Dic 2025 01:32 AM
Substraction. 286 days - 15 h. - 48 m. - 30 s.
Sale price

A gold-toned metal vessel with a narrow circular foot that widens at the shoulders and narrows at the top, where a short neck rests. It is richly decorated with superimposed decorative bands of vegetal elements, garlands and characters inscribed in medallions. 

Height: 24.7 cm 

Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th centuryGilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 1Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 2Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 3Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 4Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 5Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 6Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 7
Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th centuryGilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 1Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 2Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 3Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 4Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 5Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 6Gilt-embossed metal vase, 20th century - 7
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