Subastas Darley

Glass snuff bottle “Dragons”

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Glass snuff bottle “Dragons”

编号. 28020843/227
Start the . 03 Jul 2024 00:05 AM
拍卖截止于. 30 Dic 2025 00:44 AM
Substraction. 273 days - 2 h. - 12 m. - 45 s.
Sale price

Small snuff bottle made in crystal or “琉璃” (liuli) glass of clear and transparent hue, with incised and embossed decorations and a cap with hard stone inlay. The body, circular, is hollow in the center. Decorated following the natural shape of the bottle and shows, on both sides, two elongated dragons with elongated, sinuous bodies and archaic faces over a sea filled with incised waves. With stamp on the base “乾隆年制”. Possible 20th century. 

Size: 7.7 x 2.4 x 6 cm

Weight: 95 g

Glass snuff bottle “Dragons”Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 1Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 2Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 3Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 4Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 5Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 6Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 7
Glass snuff bottle “Dragons”Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 1Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 2Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 3Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 4Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 5Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 6Glass snuff bottle “Dragons” - 7
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