Subastas Darley

Glazed ceramic "hulu" vase, 20th century

首页 > 直接销售 > 亚洲瓷器 > Glazed ceramic "hulu" vase, 20th century

Glazed ceramic "hulu" vase, 20th century

编号. 28013366/226
Start the . 30 Mar 2023 17:03 PM
拍卖截止于. 31 Dic 2025 05:05 AM
Substraction. 274 days - 6 h. - 31 m. - 32 s.
Sale price

A gourd-shaped ceramic vase with a green glaze and carved decoration with scroll and petal motifs. The neck is elongated and the mouth is narrow and rounded. The concentration of the glaze highlights the carved motifs.

Height: 28 cm

Glazed ceramic Glazed ceramic Glazed ceramic Glazed ceramic Glazed ceramic Glazed ceramic Glazed ceramic
Glazed ceramic Glazed ceramic Glazed ceramic Glazed ceramic Glazed ceramic Glazed ceramic Glazed ceramic
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