Subastas Darley

Or Mateos "icon Hermitage Portell Osona"木版画

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Or Mateos "icon Hermitage Portell Osona"木版画

编号. E28003222
Start the . 21 Jul 2019 09:00 AM
拍卖截止于. 30 Dic 2025 16:40 PM
Substraction. 273 days - 18 h. - 29 m. - 12 s.
Sale price

Reproduction or copy of the icon from the chapel of Portell Osona, destroyed in 1937, signed by O. Mateos in 1985. made in gold paint.

Measurements: 27x22cm

Oil on board



Or Mateos Or Mateos Or Mateos Or Mateos
Or Mateos Or Mateos Or Mateos Or Mateos
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