Subastas Darley

Pair of paintings "Bird and branch", 20th century

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Pair of paintings "Bird and branch", 20th century

编号. R28015636/65
Start the . 29 Feb 2024 13:37 PM
拍卖截止于. 31 Dic 2025 13:37 PM
Substraction. 274 days - 15 h. - 34 m. - 57 s.
Sale price

Watercolour, ink and pigments on paper, unframed. Both trees are depicted with flowers and chrysanthemums in bloom, as well as a bird on a branch in the painting on the right. On the left side is an inscription with poem and seal "白石", and at lower right another seal. In good condition, with wear.

Size: 136.5 x 35 cm

Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings
Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings Pair of paintings
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