Subastas Darley

Vicente Andreu "Set of three wood carvings", 1995 - 1997

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Vicente Andreu "Set of three wood carvings", 1995 - 1997

编号. R28014539/535
Start the . 02 Mar 2024 00:00 AM
拍卖截止于. 31 Dic 2025 07:10 AM
Substraction. 276 days - 20 h. - 11 m. - 51 s.
Sale price

Three solid wood panels carved with reliefs of cut leather, scrolls and coats of arms. The central panel depicts the coat of arms of Valencia and the rest have two mirrored branches. The details of the elements are very delicately executed. Carved signature "Vicente Andreu", date and dedications written on the central panel. The side panels are engraved with his initials "V.A". Carved for his own collection.

The carvings were made by the master Vicente Andreu, in charge of the carving section in the well-known Valencian factories Mariano García and José Picó Ramón of artisan and luxury furniture; and carver-draftsman with more than forty years of experience in the making of furniture and sculptures in solid wood carved by hand.

Sizes: 61 x 55 cm; 36 x 30 cm; 34 x 26 cm

Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu
Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu Vicente Andreu
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